Ninth Circuit Court Rules In Favor Of Prop 123; Vacates U.S. District Court Decision


Date: July 21, 2020
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit overturned a U.S. District Court decision related to Proposition 123. The decision from the 9th Circuit upholds Arizona's actions in passing Prop 123 and the decision by Arizona voters to add billions of dollars to K-12 public schools over ten years.

Governor Ducey released the following statement:

"Today's decision is a victory for our public schools and students and the people of Arizona.

"Prop 123 is fast-tracking $3.5 billion to public schools in Arizona. These dollars have had an immediate impact in the classroom, providing more resources for students and boosting teacher salaries across the state. They've helped improve our facilities and fund programs that lead to better learning outcomes, such as technology, curriculum and textbooks. This decision protects these critical resources, now and into the future.

"Arizona and its leaders came together in historic fashion to pass Prop 123. Nearly every branch of government affirmed it--the Arizona House and Senate, the Arizona courts, the governor, the United States Congress, and the President of the United States--and it was approved by the people of Arizona.

"We have more work to do when it comes to education funding. We will continue to prioritize our public schools and students."
